Many VAs struggle with creating marketing messages that attract new prospects to their practice. Remember to craft the message to communicate to a prospect, “what’s in it for me?”, and to include a ‘call to action’ in each message.

The call to action should be something that will compel the reader to pick up the phone, visit your website, or send you an email to find out more.
Let’s start by thinking how we can craft the message to communicate what’s in it for the prospect. Many would quickly fill up space with a laundry list of the services they provide. Remember, this isn’t about you, it’s about them. What is their pain, or problem, and what will you do to solve it?
Instead of saying you provide desktop publishing, you might say something like:
- Compelling marketing postcards
- Professional newsletters
- Squeeze page copy that sells
- Brochures that get attention
Anything that will help them immediately picture what it is that they can delegate to you. This is much more visual for the prospect than, word processing and desktop publishing.
The Call to Action is almost as important as tracking results. It will make a prospect or client take notice and realize they need to take action NOW. Some calls to action you might consider are:
- For a Limited Time; until a specific date; or last chance (for whatever it is you’re offering)
- Free report (drag them to your website or blog to retrieve it) capturing their name and email address (or mailing address if you have a printed item or CD that requires it) so that you can continue to market to them
- Mention this postcard (or letter, or email) to get a XX% discount on your next project.
- Call-in number to get a recorded message or set an appointment for a complimentary consultation (this can be done via email, too)
- Referral bonus – suggest that if they refer you business and the prospect signs your contract, they get something in return (i.e. % off their next project; maybe 1-hour free for a 5-hour minimum project; $25 Amazon gift-card, etc.)
Without the Call to Action, you are really wasting a lot of your time, and money. To be effective, you need to make them take notice (through the ‘what’s in it for me?’ message), and take action.
Give it a try and see how much more effective your marketing pieces can be.
Jeannine Grich, owner of Accurate Business Services, a VA practice, is an author, writer, speaker, and VA Business Coach, specializing in providing professional business coaching to established and start-up virtual assistants (VA’s). For her FREE article, “What’s Holding Back my Business Success?” or “Finding or Expanding Your Niche”, Visit:; or contact her at: [email protected].
Ready to find out how to take your business to the next level? Schedule a 30-minute complimentary session to discuss your business, and how coaching can help you GROW, here!
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