A VAs Guide Finding or Expanding to Your Niche #5

Where Will Your Find Them? The next step is trying to figure out what their needs are and where they hang out. Do some research to find out what associations or organizations serve their industry.  What magazines do they read?  What software is created...

A VAs Guide to Finding or Expanding Your Niche #4

The Ideal Client Profile Now that you’ve established who it is you’re looking for, let’s take that a step further.  In addition to looking for speakers and coaches who need bookkeeping services, we need to establish other traits that will help us determine our...

How to Attract and Find Ideal Clients

One of several frequently asked questions in my VA Coaching business is how to find clients. Today, I’d like to share several things to think about when looking to attract and find clients. Who are you looking for?  So many VAs market their businesses to...

So, What Do You Do? Five Steps to an Infomercial that SELLS!

Did that title give you pause?  Many people struggle to answer this question.  Sometimes referred to as your elevator speech, or infomercial, having a smooth and easy to understand response will really go far in helping people to know who you are and what...

Getting Referrals

Getting referrals takes time and work.  Just because you do a good job for your clients doesn’t mean they’re going to naturally send you referrals.  Attending networking events and making connections with people who could potentially provide you with...