Raise you hand if you have a Marketing Plan for your business! Many freelancers do not. How do you get new business? I remember a time when I got all my new business via other clients (Word of mouth) and that was great. But it doesn’t last forever.
Then for a while I threw simple low cost marketing at a wall to see what stuck. I spent a whole lot of money creating postcards periodically, with no results. Think of the postage! And I had a database of 800. But without some consistency, they failed, and yet I had no ongoing marketing system.

After a while I just gave up and figured marketing didn’t work for me. I took several classes, and read several books, and they all showed me different ways to market myself. It took a bit of time, but finally, I sat down and created a simple plan.
I implemented the plan and after 6-months, would make changes and devoted more time into the areas of the plan that was working. Now you can, too!
I created a simple plan in simple language, and a workbook for you to build your plan and do it right. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your business using your very own marketing plan, and build some things you’ve always needed to, but never seemed to find the time…like an ideal client profile, target market, self assessment and a budget. Take a look inside here!
And it’s only $12.95 for the paperback, and $7.95 for a Kindle version. The workbook is only $7.95 Get yours today!
Marketing Plan System in paperback and Kindle. Marketing Plan System Workbook!
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