Where Will Your Find Them?
The next step is trying to figure out what their needs are and where they hang out.
Do some research to find out what associations or organizations serve their industry. What magazines do they read? What software is created specifically for their industry? What types of continuing education do they take?

Checking your current client base is a great way to find out more about your niche. Simply ask! Your current niche clients are a great resource and by asking, you will help make them feel important and knowledgeable about the industry, which will help deepen your relationship with them (also not a bad thing).
You might also check for list serves or eZines that specifically support them. Can you submit an article? Do they have a classified section or reasonably priced ads? Is there software specific to their industry? Where do they go for continuing education? Do they hold yearly industry conferences? What sponsorship options can you find? Where would they go if they had a question?
So What’s the Problem?
Now we need to determine what their problems are and how we can solve them. Look around those list serves and check out the classes and topics they’re interested in to begin to see what their needs are. Survey current clients within your niche and find out what their challenges are that you may be able to help them solve. This could lead to more business from current clients, too.
Social media is very hot right now, and most people know they need to be involved, unfortunately they don’t quite understand the benefits, and they fear they would never have the time to be effective in this medium. Could they use social media training or support? Do they need shopping cart support? Who handles the implementation of their marketing initiatives? Do they have in-house IT support? Is the accounts payable gal maintaining their website?
Determine why they have these challenges, why it’s so painful to them, and what type of support they would require to delegate these tasks to you for completion. As you establish their needs, you establish your value to them.
This information will assist you in creating a focused marketing message that will effectively reach your niche prospect and help them create a demand for you and your expertise, many times without the concerns and objections you face with more general prospects.
Go back to your Business Plan, you will want to look at several things very closely – your mission and/or vision, and your brand. If you don’t have a mission or vision, create one. No time like the present.
Next week, we look at: Including your brand elements!
Jeannine Grich, owner of Accurate Business Services, a VA practice, is an author, writer, speaker, and VA Business Coach, specializing in providing professional business coaching to established and start-up virtual assistants (VA’s). For her FREE article, “What’s Holding Back my Business Success?” or “Finding or Expanding Your Niche”, Visit: https://VAbizcoach.com; or contact her at: [email protected].
Ready to find out how to take your business to the next level? Schedule a 30-minute complimentary session to discuss your business, and how coaching can help you GROW, here!
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