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What’s Holding Back Your Success? #5 Find & Use Your Power!

Having your own business is the ultimate in power.  You totally control your lifestyle when you’re an entrepreneur.  It’s your call.  You found the power within yourself to get this far – you know you have superior skills; you know you have value; you know you can eventually spend more time with family and friends once you establish a prosperous business; and you know that one of the benefits of your power as an entrepreneur will allow you to choose where you live and how you live.  Your finances are not being controlled by someone else, or a corporation, but solely by you.

You have the power, let’s learn how to focus it on what’s most important to you and where you want to be in your business.  What are you passionate about as it relates to your business, not your skills, but your business.

There are many ways to validate and control your power.  Sometimes it’s as easy as looking into the mirror every morning and reminding yourself how valuable you are, how important it is that you continue to grow your business, or reminding yourself that you have great skills and take a leadership role in building your business.

Find someone to share your dreams and aspirations with who will encourage and support the power you have to move forward and develop your business.

In the early years, for me, it wasn’t my husband, he just didn’t understand; and I hadn’t built up any solid relationships with anyone I could trust that I could share my dreams with.  My solution was getting a journal where I could write down my goals and dreams.  It really helped me to strengthen my resolve and improve my self-esteem.  Sometimes I would go back and re-read and even re-write my dreams as they progressed.  It was a fabulous exercise that I use in several ways in my personal and business life to this date.

You have to find your inner strength and power to devote some of your passion on developing a strong and viable business.  It will ultimately take your business beyond what you ever imagined.

 Jeannine Grich, owner of Accurate Business Services, a VA practice, is an author, writer, speaker and VA Business Coach, specializing in providing professional business coaching to established and start-up virtual assistants (VA’s).  Visit:; or contact her at:

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